2 minutes

Elevating your CV

You’re at the stage where you’ve made your decision it’s time to find a new role, you’ve established your reasons for leaving and the next steps is securing a new opportunity! 

In the competitive market of job hunting, your personal profile and CV are your first impressions on potential employers. As recruiters, we’ve seen every type of CV possible, and so we’re sharing some valuable insights to help you stand out from the crowd. 

1.     Start with a Strong Personal Profile:

Your personal profile is the first thing hiring managers read, so make it count. Begin with a concise and engaging summary that highlights your key skills, experiences, and career goals. Avoid generic clichés and focus on what makes you unique. Mention any specific achievements, certifications, or skills relevant to the job you're applying for.

2.     Tailor Your CV to the Job:

Hiring managers appreciate candidates who take the time to tailor their CVs for a position. Align your skills and experiences with the job description. Highlight achievements and responsibilities that directly relate to the requirements of the role. This not only demonstrates your suitability for the position but also shows your attention to detail as well as your dedication to wanting to join that exact company! 

3.     Showcase Achievements, Not Just Responsibilities:

Rather than listing job duties, focus on your accomplishments in each role too. Use quantifiable metrics whenever possible to highlight the impact you've had on previous employers. This provides tangible evidence of your contributions and sets you apart from candidates who merely outline their responsibilities.

4.     Use Action Verbs and Be Concise:

Opt for powerful action verbs when describing your experiences. Begin each bullet point with a dynamic verb to convey a sense of action and achievement. Keep your CV concise and easy to read, aiming for a maximum of two pages. Hiring managers often scan CV’s quickly, so make the most important information easily accessible.

5.     Highlight Soft Skills:

In addition to technical skills, showcase your soft skills on your CV. Communication, teamwork, adaptability, and problem-solving are highly valued in today's workplace. Use specific examples to illustrate how you've applied these skills in previous roles – these skills are transferrable and will potentially make up for any technical skills you’re lacking. 

By following these tips, you'll be better equipped to create a personal profile and CV that captivates hiring managers. Your goal is to stand out and make it clear why you're the ideal candidate for the job. Our experienced specialists can help to support you throughout the job hunting process so make sure you register your CV with us if you’re actively looking for a role! 

Elevating your CV

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